Why choose XEPOS for a cafe?

Our EPOS system for cafes is customized to meet your business’s unique needs, allowing you to operate like a pro without extra effort. We’ve crafted a solution to address all potential challenges, from promotions and discounts that let you create special packages and happy hours with ease, to real-time stock tracking that ensures you never run out of ingredients. Receive timely notifications when supplies are low so you can reorder before it impacts your customers. Our system also covers other critical aspects of your café, including payments, reporting, sales analysis, customer and staff management, and transaction history.

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Features and benefits

Epos systems for hospitality businesses are more than just creating a complete stock list or exporting data. They should provide more options to cover every aspect of your cafe and turn your business into a lucrative one. XEPOS epos system can provide you with options to help you achieve this level and the real-time controlling stock level is just one of them.

Transfer Orders Automatically to the Kitchen

Say goodbye to trips to the kitchen! Orders are automatically sent to the kitchen printer, so your chefs can immediately begin preparing the food.

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Online Ordering Website

Expand your presence online! Allow customers to order from your tempting menu via the internet, showcasing how effortless it is to place an order and have it delivered right to their doorstep.

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Split and Merge the Bill

Split the bill for your customers to let them pay their share when coming to your cafe with their family or friends. Our split bill option will be an angel letting you escape the confusing calculations.

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Free Menu Programing

Sit back and relax while we create your menu in your epos system for free.

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Take Loyalty to the Next Level

Points and stamps are great motivators for one-timers to visit more and become a regular. Use XEPOS loyalty program to increase your customers’ loyalty.

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Easy Table Reservation

Reserve tables in seconds with just a few clicks for your special customers or events!

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EPOS System for Cafés from just €149

A complete EPOS system tailored for your business - feature rich and customisable, our software has everything your business needs to thrive! Transform your business with XEPOS today. Get started with a complete EPOS system for €149.

Want a free quote? Call our sales team on 01 200 3180 or fill out the contact form.

EPOS Software Package for Cafés from just €30

We have spent the last 8 years perfecting our software to cater to the needs of our customers and it is the most comprehensive feature-packed software available for the market. Get started with our EPOS software for just €30 a month.

Try XEPOS Risk Free!!

We have spent the last 6 years working with other businesses in your sector. We understand every painpoint,
that’s why we have created the perfect epos system specificaly for your business, with every feature you will ever need.

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