Why choose XEPOS for your Vintage Shop?

Running a vintage shop requires a unique touch, balancing the charm of the past with the efficiency of modern technology. With the XE POS system, you can seamlessly integrate both. Here’s how our industry-leading EPOS system can transform your vintage shop.

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Features and benefits

Epos systems with great features like inventory management, monitoring stock level and data export feature can help your business grow. But those features in addition to being easy to use are not enough for the business if you desire to become the best among other competitors. XEPOS have special features giving your business the wings it needs to fly.

Reporting and Analytics

Generate comprehensive sales reports to analyze trends, track performance, and identify best-selling items. Use these insights to make informed business decisions, adjust inventory, and plan promotions, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

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Customer Data

Store detailed customer information, including contact details, purchase history, and preferences. Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat customers with points, discounts, or special offers, fostering customer loyalty and increasing sales.

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Inventory Management

Efficiently track and manage unique vintage items with detailed descriptions, categories, and condition notes. This ensures accurate stock levels and easy retrieval of item information, helping you maintain an organized and well-stocked shop.

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Multi-Payment Options

Accept a variety of payment methods such as credit/debit cards, mobile payments, and cash. This flexibility ensures a smooth and convenient checkout experience for customers, catering to their preferred payment methods and reducing transaction times.

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Promotions Management

Easily create, manage, and track discounts, sales, and special promotions. This feature allows you to attract more customers, clear out old inventory, and increase revenue through targeted promotional campaigns.

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Alterations and Repairs

Set out your day with individual bookings for each service you provide. Separate and assign alterations and repairs as different bookings to help sort a busy schedule.

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EPOS System for Vintage Shops from just €149

A complete EPOS system tailored for your business - feature rich and customisable, our software has everything your business needs to thrive! Transform your business with XEPOS today. Get started with a complete EPOS system for €149.

Want a free quote? Call our sales team on 01 200 3180 or fill out the contact form.

EPOS Software Package for Vintage Shops from just €30

We have spent the last 8 years perfecting our software to cater to the needs of our customers and it is the most comprehensive feature-packed software available for the market. Get started with our EPOS software for just €30 a month.

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We have spent the last 6 years working with other businesses in your sector. We understand every painpoint,
that’s why we have created the perfect epos system specificaly for your business, with every feature you will ever need.

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