The electronic point of sale system, known more commonly as the EPOS system is one which has provided businesses with a broad selection of different benefits. Knowing which POS system to use however is more of a challenge than you might think.


Because there are so many different types of POS system out there, most businesses will have to pick between what’s on the market to find what will work best for their type of business. Let’s take a look at some of the different ones, and how this will influence your decision.




Without question, one of the most unique and well-developed systems is called XEPOS.


It is one of the most popular POS systems for businesses in the UK over the last couple of years, and its continuity and consistency makes XEPOS one of the best software providers out there.


Thanks to fast, responsive, and easy to work with systems, you find that there is quite a lot to come from this POS system. You can work in both off-line and online modes, and have a lot of different payment methods. The system can also connect with payment gateway provider like Xonder to provide even more access to services. 



Lightspeed Retail 


Another interesting option for the POS system of choice is Lightspeed Retail. This is a system which uses omnichannel retail, focusing on both online stores and brick and mortar premises contained in one system.


This means that you have access to inventory management tools, advanced reporting, analytics, and access to all the usual bells and whistles that make a POS system worth having.


So What is Actually Best?


Functionally, we could talk about what are the different types of POS systems for you to work with for a long time, but at the end of the day, it’s all about what it works for you from a personal perspective.


Your business has to take budget, time, scale, training, and ease-of-use into their occasions when it comes to creating the best possible POS system. It’s all about what works best for you, utilising cutting edge technology to give you the help that you need to manage busy days. 


Ultimately, you’re in control of what you choose to do with your system, so it is up to you to take your time to pick what works. What’s important is that you shop around and explore all of the different options, because what is immediately present may not be best for you.


In conclusion, finding the best POS system to use in retail is not easy. You really do have to stop and think about all of the different options available to you if you’re going to get the best possible choices. At the end of day, it’s all about taking a look at what’s on offer, how you can utilise it, and the way that things work. Your business has to grow and thrive as much as possible, so you have to make sure that you pick the right solution to suit your needs.